How To Conquer Fear

Jeremie Nicholas
3 min readOct 18, 2020
Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” — Mark Twain

Besides adding excitement to our lives, fear’s purpose is to keep us away from danger — it’s what makes us fight or take flight in the face of a threat. If I were walking in the woods with no fear and came across a bear, I’d probably attempt to pet it only to end up with my face mauled off, but fear would tell me to not even enter the woods in the first place. Fear is ingrained within us to keep us alert but we can let it cripple us if we don’t know how to control it. How does one control fear? Here are some methods I use.

Make fear your bitch

Fear may project itself as something big and monstrous, making you feel overwhelmed and powerless, but remember that you’re the god of your mind and the creator of your reality — fear doesn’t control you, YOU control fear, and when it comes barking disrupting your peace, tell it to hush and go sit somewhere.

When you’re consumed by fear, you allow it to blind you from logic and restrain you from your true potential. When you neglect your fear, it hangs over you like a dark cloud, controlling you in subtler ways. Finding the perfect medium is where it’s at — acknowledge the fear but choose to transcend it instead of…



Jeremie Nicholas

Young Afro-Caribbean man exercising my love for writing. Aiming for spiritual strength, wisdom and abundance ✨