Is Dark Skin a Divine Gift?

Jeremie Nicholas
4 min readJun 11, 2020


Photo by 3Motional Studio on Pexels

We can see many examples of how white skin has oppressed Black skin throughout time. The western world has always praised pale skin and demonized dark skin. From the 1915 movie “The Birth of a Nation” to the racist trends on TikTok, the media we’re consuming has been sending us a very clear message: Dark skin is bad & white skin is good. The byproduct of this oppression has manifested the disease that is self-hate among Black people. We bleach our skin, straighten our hair, seek interracial relationships, idolize “light-skin”, yet make jokes and degrade those with darker complexions. It’s disheartening.

We (Black People) have lost touch with who we are and forgot the honor and blessing it is to be a Black human. We will get to a point where we no longer hate ourselves but appreciate ourselves. Question is, how long will it take us to get there? The process starts with remembering who we are and the divine gifts we possess as Black people. The purpose of this story is to shed a golden light on Black skin and to help you recognize the excellence within melanin (Black or brown pigment).

Everything Comes From Blackness

The original humans were highly melanated beings from Africa. That alone tells us the honor we hold as Black people. We are direct descendants of the 1st human beings who walked this earth. Dark skin is to be respected yet it is shunned. Darkness, in general, is to be embraced and not feared, because darkness created the atom of life. Look at the universe, everything we see comes from darkness. Stars didn’t exist before space, and they wouldn’t shine if it wasn’t dark. A seed is engulfed by the darkness of the soil before it sprouts into a tree. Babies grow inside of a dark womb. Yet we’ve been conditioned to equate darkness with negativity.

Rhythmic Benefits

“MELANIN is capable of undergoing many chemical reactions once through what scientists call oxidation-eduction reactions. These reactions may give the BLACK HUMAN his smooth movements and rhythm. This eliminates the robotic effect (associated with “whites”) and is responsible for the multirhythmic music and dancing associated with the BLACK HUMAN. “— Dr. Carol Barnes

Natural Solar Panel

If you’ve ever painted, you’ve probably noticed how if you keep mixing different colors, the paint starts to turn black. It’s because black is the color that absorbs all other colors and it’s where all other colors originate from. Our melanin is black because it works in a very similar way — Our dark skin absorbs all the energies in our environment, especially from the sun, and converts it into heat. It’s no coincidence why melanin is also found in the soil, plants and trees, it’s nature’s solar panel. That may be why many Black people experience things like seasonal depression during those cold winter months because we’re not getting as much energy from the sun.

Natural Sunscreen

Melanin protects us from the ultraviolet radiation from the sun — this is what sunscreen does, it mimics melanin. I’m not suggesting not to wear sunscreen, just that we (Black People) probably don’t NEED it. Our African ancestors thrived on the planet long before sunscreen was invented. There’s a reason why Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer but a country like Jamaica is nowhere on that list. Our dark skin is built for the sun and our melanin gives us strong, resilient, and younger-looking skin, making us age much slower than non-melanated humans.

Stronger Spiritual Intuition

Melanin is found not only in our skin but in every organ within our body, notably in the brain and our pineal gland, also called the 3rd eye. The 3rd eye is said to be our connection to the spiritual realm. Studies show the calcification of the pineal gland is lowest in Black people, giving us a higher connection with our spirituality. When we think about civilizations who were the most spiritually in tune with the environment, what do they all have in common? They’re all highly melanated: Africans, Native Americans, Aborigines, Mayans, Indians. This isn’t to say that all melanated people act this way, but an observation that these qualities manifest themselves at a higher rate in people with dark skin.

If melanin is found in nature, animals, the cosmos, and we (Black People), naturally possess and produce this powerful chemical abundantly, then what does that say about us as Black Humans? Do we not possess the same awe as the universe and nature? Remember this story the next time someone tries to demean dark skin.



Jeremie Nicholas

Young Afro-Caribbean man exercising my love for writing. Aiming for spiritual strength, wisdom and abundance ✨